Stenocader mapu Carpintero & Montemayor 2008
Geographic distribution
No economic damages registered
  • Argentina
    • Neuquén
Other distribution
This is the only known species of the tribe Carldrakeanini known for Argentina, and for this country the only known record is the type locality in the province of Neuquen (San Martín de los Andes) (Carpintero & Montemayor, 2008). In Froeschner (1996) there is summarized information regarding the genus and, a key for the recognition of this genus from other genera of the Cantacaderini where Stenocader was placed before the phylogenetic analyses performed by Lis (1999) and Guilbert (2012). Also, it is developed a key to identificate the Cantacaderinae from Argentina and Chile in Carpintero & Montemayor (2008). In the original description, as well as in Faundez & Lues (2015) there are photographs of the species.
Araucaria araucana .
  • FROESCHNER, R.C. 1996. Lace Bug Genera of the World, I: Introduction, Subfamily Cantacaderinae (Heteroptera: Tingidae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 574: 1–43.
  • LIS, B. 1999. Phylogeny and classification of Cantacaderini [= Cantacaderidae stat. nov.](Hemiptera: Tingoidea). Annales zoologici 49(3): 157-196.
  • CARPINTERO, D.L., & S.I. MONTEMAYOR. 2008. Revision of the Cantacaderinae (Heteroptera, Tingidae) from Argentina and Chile, with the description of a new species of Cantacaderini. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 55(1): 109-116.
  • GUILBERT, E. 2012. Phylogeny of Cantacaderinae (Heteroptera: Tingidae) revisited after the description of a new genus and new species from New Caledonia. European Journal of Entomology 109(1):
  • FAÚNDEZ, E.I. & A. LÜER,. 2015. First record of Stenocader mapu Carpintero & Montemayor, 2008 (Heteroptera: Tingidae) from Chile. Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia 43(1): 163-164.
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