Leptocysta sex-nebulosa (Stål 1858)
Geographic distribution
No economic damages registered
  • Argentina
    • Buenos Aires
    • Corrientes
    • Misiones
    • Salta
Other distribution
Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela.
In Champion (1898) and in Drake & Poor (1937) there are illustrations of the species. There is a key to identify the species of Leptocysta and an illustration of L. sex-nebulosa in Monte (1946). In Montemayor (2010) there is an updated key to identify the species of the genus and drawings of the main diagnostic characters of L. sex-nebulosa . This species feeds on economically important plants (Stonedahl et al. 1992). The contributions that provide information about the distribution of this species in Argentina are: Berg (1884), Drake (1936), Monte (1946) and Montemayor (2010).
Antennaria sp.; Ipomea sp.; Ipomea batatas ; Mikania sp.; Vernonia sp..
  • BERG, C. 1884. Addenda et emendanda ad Hemiptera Argentina. Bonariae: Pauli E. Coni pp. 1-213.
  • CHAMPION, G.C. 1898. Notes on American and other Tingitidae, with descriptions of two new genera and four species. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1: 55-64.
  • DRAKE, C. J. & M. E. POOR . 1937. The South American Tingitidae (Hemiptera) described by Stål. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum 11(5): 301-312.
  • MONTE, O. 1946. Revisão do genero Leptocysta Stål. Revista Brasileira de Biología 6(3): 325–331.
  • MONTE, O. 1946. Revisão do genero Leptocysta Stål. Revista Brasileira de Biología 6(3): 325–331.
  • STONEDAHL, G.M, W. R. DOLLING & G. J. HEAUME . 1992. Identification guide to common tingid pests of the world (Heteroptera: Tingidae). International Journal of Pest Management 38: 438 -449.
  • MONTEMAYOR, S. I. 2010. Review of the genus Leptocysta Stål with descriptions of two new species (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Tingidae) from Argentina. Zootaxa 2641: 62–68.
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